Yes, another blog...
Developer ramblings

Github CoPilot

Github CoPilot


Upcoming Posts

  • Escape Hatches - brought up in Vercel conf
  • We are all salesmen, quick prototypes, sandboxes
  • Developer tooling - debuggers & loggers
  • Lerna is back!
  • You are not Google - moving quickly
  • Reviewing pull requests - a simple framework
Throwaway Code

Throwaway Code

Improving code quality

Improving code quality

Apollo or Recoil?

Apollo or Recoil?

CSS Overhaul

CSS Overhaul

Writing better CSS

Writing better CSS


Do it yourself

You see and hear the acronym "DIY" everywhere, and you probably already know what it stands for: "do it yourself." It's a pretty straightforward-sounding concept. Well, when I am not building things with code, I love to work with my hands around the house. It's also amazing to share the process and experience with my kids.

DIY Umbrella Stand

DIY Umbrella Stand
