The 2025 online resume of Matt Scholta

👨‍💻 A Software Engineer whose passion lies in creating quality code written for humans, unlocking developer productivity, and creating a delightful user experience.


Staff Engineer II
Sept 2022 - Present

Paying down the sins of our past, we've pushed hard to modernize our stack and development workflow. We've not only introduced TypeScript but have begun to fully adopt it across the organization. From monolith to microservices, we're on a journey to deliver the best possible experience for our partners.

  • Prototype and delivery of several Remix + TailwindCSS applications
  • Architected NX Monorepo for shared code and tooling with 5+ NestJS services, 5+ Remix Apps, and 20+ packages
  • Re-architected our NodeJS monolith to a microservice architecture built on NestJS
  • Introducing 3+ GraphQL API's and strongly typed services across the organization
  • Adoption of BullMQ to replace AgendaJS for job scheduling
  • ... and much more!

Principal Engineer
Apr 2021 - Aug 2022

One year in we've jump-started the organization's code! Taking a "loosely typed and strongly coupled" system and successfully flipping it. The entire stack is now containerized and makes use of Firebase Emulators for an incredible development workflow.

  • 0% - 80% Containerized stack and development workflow
  • Introduced GraphQL and strongly typed services across the organization
  • Delivered a full rebuild & rebrand of the Python + Django website to NextJS
  • Survey Framework, CSS Style Guide, Monorepo, Unit/E2E Testing, and more

Staff Engineer
Feb 2016 - Apr 2021

Successfully pitched, prototyped, and delivered several high-impact projects within the organization. Assisting in hiring, managing, and mentoring engineers at various levels, distributed across the globe.

  • Content Management System; Pitched, prototyped, and delivered
  • Progressive Web App (PWA); Pitched, prototyped, and delivered
  • Lerna Monorepo; Pitched, prototyped, and delivered
  • CSS Overhaul; Pitched, prototyped, and delivered
  • Apollo Migration, Redux Migration, Checkout Overhaul, and many more...

Technical Team Lead
Nov 2011 - Apr 2015

Agency life in San Francisco affords the opportunity to work with a variety of "high profile" clients to create and deliver high-impact projects. As Team Lead, my responsibilities included: pitch work, application architecture, technical documentation, code reviews, and mentoring.

  • Google TrainUP; Pitched, architected, developed, and delivered
  • Google Databoard; Conceptualized, architected, developed, and delivered
  • Facebook Disaster Relief; Prototyped with BackboneJS and Facebook API's
  • Apple iAds; Development of HTML micro sites internally for Apple
  • Apple iAds; Pitched an abstraction to minimize production time/cost, which was adopted internally


San Francisco State University

Industrial Design (incomplete)

A late change of major from Mechanical Engineering to Industrial Design and the lack of available courses I freelanced and went part-time over the course of several years doing graphic/web design, and web development.

  • Industrial Designers Society of America 2004 - 2007
  • Teaching Assistant: Automated Manufacturing Sys.
  • Teaching Assistant: Metals Manufacturing
  • Teaching Assistant: Drafting & Sketching for Design